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Monday, April 16, 2007

Yahoo! Go. The Internet to go in your Phone.

"Your world, now on your phone
Yahoo! Go truly brings the Internet to you. Unlike prior applications that attempt to force-feed a PC experience to your phone, Yahoo! Go has taken the Internet services you love and optimized them for the mobile experience.
So wherever you go, the information you rely on goes along, too. You can check the weather, keep tabs on your teams, examine your stocks, and keep up with your favorite news sources, blogs and more from all across the Web. You can access all kinds of local news or get maps and directions to wherever you need to go.

Yahoo! Go knows what you like. The settings and content you selected in your Yahoo! account on your PC will automatically apply to your mobile experience—and vice-versa. If you’ve told Yahoo! which stocks to track, teams to follow, locations to remember, and that sort of thing, your phone will know all about it. All your personal info, including your contacts and email, remain in sync with your Yahoo! Web account.* So even if you lose your phone, you won’t lose your data."
Source :

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