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Monday, April 16, 2007

Password Maintenance Software - Internet password management software (password.exe). Free trial download.

Free trial download.:

"This internet password management software allows you to keep track of all your websites and passwords, and allow you to easily open each website and auto-fill the password and id automatically. Cut and paste buttons are also included so you can easily place information in other website locations if necessary.

Its not uncommon today to have over 30 different websites with passwords and ids, and using the same password on each site is a major security risk, as finding out one password would enable an intruder to have access to all your sites. This software helps eliminate the hassle of having so many different passwords, as it provides one click access to open each site within the software or even open your default web browser if you wish.

This also includes an option to store all your password data on a USB thumb drive, or any other external drive to better secure your information, as your password data will not even exist on your pc if you choose this option. You can also print a list of all your passwords and websites for placing in a lock box, and you can add, update, and delete websites and passwords in your list. (Runs on all Windows systems). "

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